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Polite Request

on June 2, 2012

Title : Polite Request

Skill focus : Listening, speaking

Level : Junior High school, 9th grade

Objective: by the end of the lesson you should be able to use Polite Request in your daily live

Read the following expressions!

Polite request:

  • Can you…(please)?
  • Can you help me?
  • Will you…(please)?
  • Could you please……?
  • Would you please…?
  • Would you mind…?
  • May I….?
  • Can I…. ?

Polite response:

  • All right
  • Sure!
  • Here you are
  • Yes, of course
  • I’d be happy to
  • My pleasure

Polite refusal

  • Sorry
  • Sorry, I’m using it right now.
  • No, I’m sorry. I can’t
  • I’d like to, but…..

Hello Students!
In this session you will listen to a record and also watch a video about Polite Request.
But before that let’s take a look at the pictures below

Picture no.1:

Picture no.2:

Picture no.3:

After you look at those pictures, please write down vocabularies that you found from those pictures.

You can write it HERE

Now it’s time for you to listen to a dialogue.

Listen carefully!

After you listen to the audio, you can do Activity 2

Now, let’s watch the video

After watching the video, you can do Activity 3

In this part you’ll learn how to speak in good pronunciation and intonation.

Let’s start!

Pronunciation and Intonation


Listen and repeat!

Can /kæn/ All right /ɑːl raɪt/
Will /wɪl/ Sure /ʃʊr/
Could /kʊd/ Of course /əv kɔːrs/
Would /wʊd/ Pleasure /ˈpleʒ.ə r /
Please /pliːz/ Sorry /ˈsɔːr-/
Mind /maɪnd/ Can’t /kɑːnt/


Listen and repeat!

Can you please clean the board? May I borrow it?
Can I have it? Sure!
Could you please open the door? No problem.
Would you please cut the tape? Sorry.
Would you mind speaking louder? No, I’m sorry. I can’t

Now you know how to speak in good pronunciation and intonation. Then it’s time for you to do Activity 4.

Activity 4:

In this activity you have to choose 1 dialogue below and perform it in front of the class with your partner

Dialogue 1

Ani       : hey Bona, can you lift that box for me please?

Bona    : sure, but what is in this box? It’s so heavy.

Ani       : that’s my old books. I’ll donate it to an orphanage near here.

Bona    : wow, that’s great! I think I should get my old books and donate it too. Where should I put this box?

Ani       : just put it in the car. Thank you.

Bona    : anytime.

Dialogue 2

Mr. Dodi          : Now students, do you have any questions? Do you understand about narrative text?

Galih                : Excuse me Sir, but I still don’t understand. Would you mind explaining it again?

Mr. Dodi          : All right then, I’ll explain it once again.

Galih                : Thank you, Sir.

Dialogue 3

Lisa: Sari, can you accompany me to the book store this afternoon?

Sari: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the dentist. I’ve made an appointment with the doctor.

Lisa: What about tomorrow? Will you go with me to the book store?

Sari: I have nothing to do tomorrow. So, I will go with you.

Lisa: Great! See you tomorrow!

Sari: See you!

In this section you’ll learn about grammar that we use in polite Request.


In making a polite request we can use :


Can is informal and can be used with someone we know. For example a friend.

this is the formula: Can + S + V1 + O + please (optional)

You :Can you open the window please?

Your friend : Sure.

Your brother : Can you give me some water please?

You : of course.


Could is both formal and informal. We can use it with someone we know or someone we don’t know.

This is the formula: Could + S + V1 + O + please (optional)

Costumer : Could you bring me some salt please?

Waiter : Yes, certainly.

Student : Could you please repeat?

Teacher : Yes, of course.

Will and Would

Will and Would are formal.

This is the formula : Will/Would + S + V1 + O + please (optional)

Boss : Will you move the chair?

Secretary : Sure.

Manager : Would you fill in this form?

Employee : Certainly.

Would you mind

Would you mind is formal.

This is the formula: Would you mind + Ving + O + please (optional)

Nurse : Would you mind calling back later?

Patient : No, certainly not.

Read the following dialogues!

example 1

Echa : Could you show me the nearest post office?

Policeman : It’s over there, on the left.

Echa : Thank you, sir.

example 2

Sarah   : Can you show me how to open an email account?

Daniel : Sure.

Sarah   : Thanks a lot.

Daniel : Don’t mention it.

example 3

Lina: Would you mind opening the door, please? My hands are full.

Mrs. Nina : Sure.

Lina: Thank you

Mrs. Nina : You’re welcome.

You’ve understood how to use can, could, will, would and would you mind, right?

CLICK HERE  to check your understanding.

And you can CLICK HERE to check your understanding about the grammar.

Or CLICK HERE to write some vocabularies.

In this section you have to be able to write a dialogue using Expressions that you’ve learned before.


Try to write the appropriate verbs HERE


Try to arrange words into sentences HERE


Try to arrange sentences into dialogues HERE

3 responses to “Polite Request

  1. dianprmita says:

    strength: this posting has interesting appearance
    weakness: unvaried writing activity
    suggestion: add more interesting activity for students
    rating: 80

  2. dafidul says:

    Dear Laila, these are my comments on your post.

    The materials are complete
    It supported with interesting pictures

    The instructions are too direct, lack of students-teacher instruction

    You need to be more friendly to your students,

    80 from 100

    Dafi Khusnita

  3. noviyarita says:

    strength : the content is very good and interesting

    weakness : the language less communicative, it’s too to the point

    suggestion: in my opinion, the language should be more communicative as if you talk to your student…

    rating : 85 from 100

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